måndag 9 juni 2014

Bildarbete - Gatukonst

Hur fick jag min ide?
Det jag började med var att rita ett ansikte, men sedan kom jag på att göra ett stort träd, och en giraff bredvid. Eftersom väggen är ganska hög, så tänkte jag att det passade bra med ett stort träd, och en giraff bredvid. För det blir en verklig skala, samtidigt som människorna som ser bilden ska tänka på savannen eller något liknande.

Hur har jag arbetat?
Jag har arbetat ganska effektivt varje lektion. Jag började med att leta upp lite bilder, och använda mig av internet för att få lite inspiration till bilden jag skulle göra. Men jag hittade tyvärr inget så jag tänkte ut vad jag hade kunnat göra på väggen. Så jag bestämde mig för att göra ett stort träd, och en giraff eftersom väggen var ganska hög.

Sedan började jag skissa på en skiss på ett litet A4 papper, sedan använde jag mig av ett A3 papper för att göra den bild som jag skulle använda. Jag började rita tills jag blev nöjd, och fick ett färdigt resultat. Jag fyllde i alla blyertslinjer med en blyertspenna för att kunna få starka och tydliga linjer. 

Sedan tog jag en bild på min bild som jag ritat, och lade sedan in den i photoshop. Jag började med att ta bort alla ytor som jag inte skulle ha med i min bild. Sedan färglade jag bilden med de färger som jag tyckte passade i min bild. 

Sedan lade jag in bilden som ett lager över den vägg jag tagit kort på. Efter det så minskade jag, och redigerade den som jag ville ha den, och sedan var den färdig.

Vad är jag nöjd med?
Jag är faktiskt ganska nöjd med min bild, den blev bättre än vad jag trodde att den skulle bli. Sedan passade bilden ganska bra på den väggen, så det var ju också en bra sak. Så jag är nöjd över mitt arbete.

Vad kunde jag gjort annorlunda?
Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag hade velat göra annorlunda, men kanske att bilden skulle gått upp på taket, och blivit ännu högre än bilden blev nu. Men jag är ändå nöjd över resultatet.

Vad vill jag uttrycka/ berätta?

Det jag vill få ut av denna bild är att en giraff är ganska stor, och även ett träd, och den vägg jag använde var också ganska hög så det hade varit häftigt att se hur stor en giraff och ett träd är.

onsdag 14 maj 2014

My thoughts about the holocaust

I think that this stories that I have been listen to is very horrible, but at the same time interesting because you can hear people that lived in 1945 talking about what they have been through during the second world war. And I can’t believe that people where doing those things to other religions and races. They only had ``the wrong religion or race´´, but they also had a heart, a body and a soul, just like the ``perfect germans´´. 

It was also very interesting to find out the things that happened to the Frank family. I have heard a lot about Anne Frank and her diary, but I have never understood what actually happened. I can’t believe that Hitler actually did those things to the jews. I think that the diary actually is a very good thing to read to understand the second world war, and how it was for the jews that where hiding from Hitler to live with these conditions.

tisdag 29 april 2014


Anne Frank and her family were hiding in an annexe together with four other jewish people.
If you are living in a big house with many floors, you can have an attic at the top of the house. 
Many companies were they have their stuff.
Hitler build concentration camps, for the people that he thought had the wrong religion and race.
If you aren´t allowed to buy as much as you would like to you can get a ration book.
You can place your books and other stuff in a bookcase.
The shop maybe have another size of the table in the store.

You can store your books in this room, because we never use it anyway. 

// Evelina och Sandra

tisdag 22 april 2014

Words from Freedom Writers

Diary 24 and 33
I have a lot of clothes in my closet.

It´s so cold today so I really need a blanket.

I have been evicted for the second time this month.

You have to be quite about this, you can´t reveal something about it.

I´m almost at the point of to run away from here.

I sang during my shower.

I don´t know how to act in this current situation.

A woman cried and plead for something.

Please say it, I will be all ears.

This morning I dropped my phone, while I catch a bus at the station.

Diary 2 and 6
She said it very obvious, so why don’t you know a thing about it?

I felt very uncomfortable, when the others didn’t want me in their gang.

I heard about a girl that had learning disability, but she was smarter then the rest of her class.

An old man once said that survival of the fittest. 

Yesterday I spoke to a counselor. 

Everyone thought that the lost boy still lived, including me.

This isn’t exactly what I had in mind, said my sister when her boyfriend proposed to her.

People says that I am irritating when we discuss things, but I’m only determined. 

I can’t have my dinner in this room, there aren’t even enough seats for my guests.

My half sister lost her father a month ago, and I remember that the tears were rolling down her cheeks that day.

fredag 14 mars 2014

Freedom Writers

1. Why are the students so unwilling to associate with anyone outside their ethnic/racial groups? Where does this intolerance come from?
- I think it’s because of the students' childhood. They have been through so much, they have seen people get shot in their own town. They have seen people from another racial group doing things to someone in their own group. I think this is one reason why the students have problems with communicating with their classmates. 

2. Ms. Gruwell is the first teacher to show trust and respect for the “at risk” students at Wilson High. How does Erin Gruwell demonstrate this? Why are some students more resistant to trusting each other?
- Ms. Gruwell is a teacher who doesn't give up on the students, because she believes them. The other teachers always quit the job, because of the students. But if a teacher doesn’t show the students respect, they never give respect to the teacher either. And then comes Ms. Gruwell to the class, she has a goal with this students, and she wants the students to succeed. Erin makes the students realise that they almost have been through the same things. An example for this is the line-exercise, when Erin said a question and the students should step on the line if they had been through this. Erin never gives up on them, she would like to make them feel special. I think some students are more resistant, because they have been through something the last time. 

5. How do the classmates learn to trust one another? How does reading and writing initiate this change?
-  The students have realised that they have so much in common. And when Erin buys them new books, they were shocked, because they never get new books. Erin choose a book about a gang member, and the students really like this book, because they can see themselves in this book. Then they get a writebook that they should write in everyday. If they would like to, Erin could read the things they have written in it. When Erin read this, she couldn’t believe what she read. She didn’t realised that the students have been trough this. She also understood that they couldn’t talk with anyone about their feelings. And when Ms. Gruwell give them this book they could write off themselves, and process their feelings somewhere. 

7. Describe the transition in Mrs. Gruwell’s classroom from the first day of freshman year through the end of the year – how have the students changed? How has Ms. Gruwell changed?
At the beginning it was very messy in the classroom, the students did what they would like to do. When they step into the classroom the students started to talk to each other instead for giving respect for the teacher. A year after they are like a big family in the ending. They have been through hard times together, and they have made things together that they get to know each other. They have also been through much together and they have really fun together to. Ms. Gruwell has changed much this year, in the beginning she was withdrawn, but now she is much more comfortable in the classroom. She showed the student respect, and she got respect back. Erin made the classroom much more comfortable and better then before. The students can finally relax in the classroom. 

10. Do you think it’s more important to “protect your own” or do what’s right?
I think it’s hard to do the right thing sometimes, but you should always do what your feeling say. I know it’s hard sometimes but it’s the choice that is the best to do, because that’s the right thing for both you and the people who is involved. 

14. What similarities are there between Woodrow Wilson High School and Apelskolan? How are they different?
- I think it’s many different things between our school and Woodrow Wilson High School. In Woodrow Wilson High School they have many gangs, and also many students with different origin. But in our school that is Apelskolan, we have many groups with students, but we can also associate with other students in our school. But the students in Woodrow Wilson High school can’t, because they only associate whit the people in their own gang. 

måndag 10 mars 2014


Hur har vi arbetat?
Vi började med att göra en storyboard, med de scener som vi skulle filma, och ha med i videon. Sedan började vi filma våra klipp, vilket gick väldigt snabbt, eftersom vi ville ha tid att redigera på. Sedan lade vi in klippen på datorn, och redigerade den sedan i iMovie. Det var lite svårt att få in klippen på vissa ställen, men det gick, men tog lite tid. Vi har jobbar bra under lektionerna enligt mig. Fast en del av tiden kanske vi skulle arbetat lite bättre. Men jag tycker att vi tog vara på tiden bra. Vi har filmat de första lektionerna och sedan har vi redigerat de sista.

Hur har jag arbetat?
Jag ritade storyboarden med hjälp av förslag från gruppen. Jag har filmat vissa filmklipp som fanns med i vår video, och även varit med i filmen. Emilia har gjort den största delen i redigeringen, och jag har suttit bredvid och hjälpt till lite med redigeringen. Kollat var filmklippen ska vara, och var text med mera ska finnas.

Kunde vi gjort någonting annorlunda?
Vi kanske kunde ha filmat lite fler scener, och haft lite mer variation i de hela, men jag tycker att det blev ett bea resultat ändå. Jag tycker att vi gjort ett bra jobb i gruppen, och vi hade ett ganska bra grupparbete.

Jag tycker att vi haft ett bra grupparbete vi har även haft roligt under arbetstiden, och det gjorde det helaännu roligare!

Vår grupp: Emilia, Sandra, Benjamin och Leo

fredag 7 februari 2014

Random writing 3

Once again my mother came into my room, and asked me if I had done my homework's yet. I told her that I've got an A on my englishtest, but just an C at the history test, and I was very happy for that. Then she said that I have to do better in school. Just because my older sisters have easier in school it doesn't mean that i also have it. They always remind me of the bad test's that I have done, and that I must do better in school. What should I do? So I said to her right in her face.
``You make me feel like I'm not good enough´´ I told her ``you always complain at me´´
She just stared at me, and closed the door and walked away. 

tisdag 4 februari 2014

Swedish Celebrities

1. Zlatan
2. Aviccii
3. Zara Larsson
4. Maria Montazami
5. Abba (Björn, Benny, Agnetha och Anni-frid)
6. Björn Borg
7. Alexandra ``Kissie´´ Nilsson
8. Morgan
9. Carolina Klüft
10. Henrik Larsson

Read and remember 
1. Florence Nightingale's parents were ____.                                                               b) rich 
2. She was named after a city in _____.                                                                       c) Italy
3. She was born ____.                                                                                                  b)
4. One subject Florence learnt at home was _____.                                                     a) Greek
5. She decided she wanted to do something useful with her life at the age of _____.  b) 12
6. Most middle-class women at that time _____.                                                          b) didn't have careers.
7. Florence went to ____ to learn about nursing.                                                         c) Germany
8. Crimea was near _____.                                                                                          c) Turkey
9. Florence went there with a team of ____ nurses.                                                     a) between 35-40
10. While Florence was there _____.                                                                          c) She made the     military hospitals cleaner and safer.
11. Her nickname was The lady with the _____.                                                        b) Lamp
12. People from all the world asked Florence for her advice on _____.                      b) designing hospital.
13. Florence was ____ when she died.                                                                        a) 90

036 Listen and answear

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True

fredag 31 januari 2014

Kikärtsbiffar med potatisbullar


1 klyfta vitlök
1 purjolök (10 cm)
400 g kikärtor
1 ägg 
2 msk potatismjöl
1 tsk spiskummin
1 tsk koriander
0,5 tsk salt 
1 krm kajennpeppar

Gör såhär:
Skala vitlöken, och hacka purjolöken i små bitar. 
Spola av kikärtorna i kallt vatten, och låt rinna av en stund.
Blanda löken med kikärtorna i en mixer så att det finfördelas.
Tillsätt ägg, potatismjöl och kryddorna, och blanda till en slät färs. 
Forma färsen till 8 biffar, och stek dom i olja i en stekpanna, 3 minuter per sida.

Våra kikärtsbiffar blev bra, men själv så gillade jag inte konsistensen riktigt. Vi kanske skulle haft dem lite längre på stekpannan så att de blev lite mindre mosiga i mitten. Men annars tycker jag att dom blev ganska bra.


250 g kokt potatis
1 ägg
1 msk mjölk
1 nypa salt
0,5 dl ströbröd
1 msk smör till stekning

Gör så här:
Mosa potatisen, och låt moset svalna.
Blanda i ägg, mjölk och salt, och rör om.
Forma moset till små bollar, och platta ut till små plättar, och vänd dem i ströbröd.
Stek dom i smör på medelvärme ca 3 minuter per sida.

Potatisbullarna blev bäst av allt de var faktiskt jättegoda. Vi kunde nog inte gjort någonting annorlunda med dem, för vi gjorde dem så bra vi kunde.

Vi gjorde också:
Vi stekte morötter och paprika i smör. Sedan kokade vi rödbetor till. Morötterna och paprikan blev faktiskt bättre än jag trodde, och rödbetorna blev goda de med.

Jag jobbade tillsammans med Rebecka, och vi hade ett bra samarbete. Vår mat blev faktiskt ganska bra, men jag tror inte att jag skulle servera kikärtsbiffarna ifall jag bjöd hem en vegetarian. Det vi kunde gjort annorlunda var väl att steka kikärtsbiffarna lite längre. Vi gick efter tallriksmodellen, och fick med både protein, kolhydrater och fett.

Reading Assignment

1. What is your opinion about having a reading assignment at home for three weeks? What do you think and why?
- I think that is a good thing to have, because you learn so much when you read an english book or an english text. At first I thought that it should be a little bit hard, but it was actually easy to understand the book. It's a funny and different thing to do. 

2. If I would have a peek on your word list in Memrise, about how many word would I find?
- I think it's about 100 or something.


1. deal                d) Sign a _____ for 60 million.
2. cover              g)
3. contain           f) What's inside the box? What does the box _______.
4. confident        h) The record company was ________ that the CD would sell millions of copies.
5. print               c) They decided to _______ 20,000 copies of the book.
6. opportunity    i) If you go to London, you can get an _______ to speak English.
7. record label    e)
8. fail                  a) The opposite of ``succeed´´.
9. sales               j) The company had __________ of over 300 million.
10. image           b) Pop stars have to have talent and the right _____ to be successful.

New Moon 2

Bella picked up two motorbike's, and took them to her friend Jacob Black and asked him if he could fix them, and of course he could. Bella where at Jacob's place everyday after that and spend time with him, because of this has Bella stopped dreaming mare dreams. Bella's friend Mike ask her out to see a movie, and Bella says yes to him, but she ask her friends in school and also jacob if they also wanna see the movie with Bella and Mike. But only Mike, Bella and Jacob can see the movie. After that Mike and Bella get the stomach flue and Jacob also get sick. 

As I said the last time have I already read the book in Swedish, so I already know what happens in the book. 

tisdag 28 januari 2014

Read and Answer

1. a)

2. b)

3. b) been a politician.

4. c) She likes people who are wild.

5. a) true

6. c) to build a successful international company.

1. She was only 19 years old when she arrived in New York City in 1978.

2. Madonna's surname is Madonna Ciccone

3. When she first arrived in New York, with two things did she know she wanted to be?
a) rich b) a star

4. Her family was an ordinary family.

5. Her hometown was called Pontiac and was in the state of Michigan.

6. She didn't have much money when she first arrived in New York.

7.  b) She worked in restaurants and bars.
     c) She sometimes didn't have enough money to buy food.
     e) She lived in some very bad areas of New York.

8. During this time, Madonna learnt to sing and play musical instruments.

9. She also had lessons writing music = false

10. In 1982, she was offered a recording contract after a record company heard her song Everybody.

11. This first song was very popular all over the US = False

1. New York is no place for someone with no money.
2. Madonna has always made sure that she is in control of her life.
3. This wasn't good enough for Madonna.
4. Soon she was writing and recording her own songs.
5. But the days of fast cars and and long hot days by the swimming pool don't last long.

fredag 24 januari 2014

New Moon

Bella had a dream when she was an old lady and Edward still was 17 years old, because he never made her to a vampire. Then she wakes up and it's her birthday, but she hates to be older. Edwards sister Alice said to Bella that she are going to Cullens house tonight for a birthday party. Then Bella get a present from Alice and she cut her finger on the paper, and Jasper smells the blood from her finger and gets crazy because he would like to have it. Then Edward decide to leave the town, so Bella can be safe without him.

I have already seen the movie and read the book on swedish, so I know whats going to happened.

Best of Newsreel 2013

1. B beef
2. after it was find in find
3. 25 concerts
4. false
5. C close to the finish line
6. schools and stores was closed.
7. fortuned 
8. Scotland
9. C
10.cut her hair short.
13.shopping centre
15.better rights for girls in her own country
16.B 2012
18.winds     waves
19.Canbera in Austrailia

Random writing nr 2

I've got an text message on my phone, one night. I was home alone and everything was dark and grey outside. I took the phone and thought at first that it was Ellie, but it wasn't. It was a random number, at first I thought they had send it wrong. But then I read it!
``Midnight, on the bridge. Come alone´´, it says.
I dropped the phone at the ground. It must be them, it must be. Since the night it all happened, they have been after me. They have done things to me, and if i won't go they will kill me tonight. I know that, they also know that I'm home alone this night to. What should I do, i've took my bag and ran out in the night!

Random writing nr 1

It was a rainy morning this day, when he stood outside my window. I opened the window, and let him take a step into my room. He's hair was wet because of the rain, he's eyes just stared at me. 
``What are you doing here right now´´, i asked him.
``I daren't stay long. I just had to see you´´, he answered me.
``What is this about?´´, I wondered.
``I have to leave right now, the police are after me. I did something very stupid this night. Im so sorry but I have to leave before they find me, he said.
``Are you coming back?´´

fredag 17 januari 2014


Pajdeg:                                  Ugn: 250°
1 1/2 dl vetemjöl
50 g kallt margarin
1 msk vatten
1 gul lök
1/2-1 dl konserverad svamp
1 msk margarin
150 g köttfärs
1/4-1/2 paprika
2 krm salt
1/2-1 tsk timjan
1 msk vetemjöl
1 msk chilisås
1 1/2 dl vatten
1/2 buljongtärning


Gör så här:
Börja med att mäta upp mjölet till pajdegen i en skål.
Smula sedan sönder margarinet i mjölet med händerna.
Sedan tillsatte vi vatten och arbetade ihop allt till en deg.
Om du vill kan du låta degen vila en stund i kylen.
Börja sedan med att skala och hacka löken i små bitar.
Fräs löken tillsammans med svampen i en stekpanna med margarin. 
Höj värmen en aning, och lägg i köttfärsen. 
Lägg i paprikan, och blanda ihop med det andra.
Smaksätt med salt och timjan, häll också i vetemjölet, chilisåsen och buljongtärningen. 
Rör om och häll sedan i vattnet, och låt koka i 5 minuter.
Ta ut degen ur kylskåpet, och ta fram en pajform. 
Ta av köttfärsen från spisen, och häll över den i pajformen.
Kavla ut pajdegen, och lägg den som ett täcke över köttfärsen. 
Sätt in i ugnen i 20 minuter. 

Jag jobbade med Rebecka, och vår paj blev både bra och god. Jag tyckte att vi jobbade bra, det vi kunde ha gjort annorlunda är väl att kavla ut degen lite finare. Men vi gjorde ett bra enligt mig.

Om jag ska vara helt ärlig så tänkte vi inte så mycket på tallriksmodellen, eftersom vi kom lite senare till lektionen och ville börja jobba så fort som möjligt för att komma ikapp. Men vi fick med protein som finns i köttfärsen, och kolhydrater som finns i pajdegen eftersom det är vetemjöl i det.

tisdag 14 januari 2014

How can you protect you child + New Year resolutions

You can protect your child when you are around it, but you maybe can't protect it all the time. Because children also needs privacy, and in that way they also learn by their mistakes. It's hard to discuss this question because it's hard to find things you can do to protect a child if you not aren't around it. The parents just want's their best for their children off course, but they can't control everything their children do.

New Year resolutions
1. I am going to read more this year, because I didn't read so much last year and I need it in school to,     when we are going to do exercise in Swedish.
2. I am going to train more than the last year, because I wanna be a better track and field athlete.
3. I am going to save more money this year, because I am going to buy out my computer, and I need money for that.
4. I am not going to eat so much candy this year, only dark chocolate.

fredag 10 januari 2014


Love- Yes it’s important, and I think everybody needs love. Someone who loves you, or people around you who cares about you. Yes it’s important in my life because I wanna have someone to spend my life with to, and I think everybody wants someone in their life to. I have friends and family around me that loves and cares about me and it make me stronger. 
Success- Yes, it’s important because everyone will success with the things they are doing. I think it’s important with success in my life because I work for things so hard and it´s a good feeling when you have done something really good for a long time and someone says that it’s a very good thing you have done or a very good presentation. 
Freedom- Yes, because I think everybody needs freedom. A place where you can be yourself or just take it easy. Everybody needs time for themselves sometimes. I think it’s good to just be on another place sometimes where you can spend time for yourselves and take a deep breath.