tisdag 14 januari 2014

How can you protect you child + New Year resolutions

You can protect your child when you are around it, but you maybe can't protect it all the time. Because children also needs privacy, and in that way they also learn by their mistakes. It's hard to discuss this question because it's hard to find things you can do to protect a child if you not aren't around it. The parents just want's their best for their children off course, but they can't control everything their children do.

New Year resolutions
1. I am going to read more this year, because I didn't read so much last year and I need it in school to,     when we are going to do exercise in Swedish.
2. I am going to train more than the last year, because I wanna be a better track and field athlete.
3. I am going to save more money this year, because I am going to buy out my computer, and I need money for that.
4. I am not going to eat so much candy this year, only dark chocolate.

1 kommentar:

  1. Well done, Sandra! I wish you good luck with your new year resolutions.

    Here are your words:
    of course
    too = också, alltför
    want to = vill (inte "wanna")
    relax = ta det lugnt
    learn - learned - learnt = lär, lärde, lärt
    kristna = Christians
    which = vilken
    hela = whole
    bra på = good at
